Why donate?
Because your donation, however big or small helps us rescue and look after hundreds of animals in distress and allows us to cover veterinary treatment costs. These animals would otherwise be left to their cruel fate on the streets and would suffer silently with no respite. Your donation also contributes to our street campaigns and spay/neuter campaign costs.
Amazon Alliance/Project street Dog is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and relies upon private donations to help fund our rescue operations and to bring free veterinary services to low-income and underserved communities. Every dollar you contribute helps us give an animal a second chance at life. Your donations are tax deductible. Since we are an all-volunteer organization, 100% of your donation directly benefits the animals. No amount is too small and we appreciate all that you can give. Bellow is a breakdown of how far each dollar amount could go:
$10 - Pays for blood test of rescued street animals
$15 - Pays for vaccination of community animals
$20 - Pays for vaccination of community animals (distemper,rabies, parvo)
$20 - Pays for male dog sterilization
$25 - Pays for female dog sterilization
$50 - Pays for blood-test, Xrays, distemper test for rescued animals
$100 - Pays for partial veterinary treatment for a rescued animal
$100 - Pays for 4 female dogs’ sterilization
$200 - Pays for extensive treatment of dog in severe distress
In addition to funds, we compiled a wish list of items we need in the communities to help animals and to promote responsible pet ownership:
Gauze- any kind
Surgical gloves, Size M
Sterile monofilament absorbable suture – sizes 0, 2-0
Sterile surgery gloves size 6.5, 7, 7 1/2
Non-sterile Exam Gloves
Silver Sulfadiazine 1% Cream for burn wounds
Fluid administration sets
Endotracheal tubes
Good quality surgical instruments
Sterilization envelopes
Needles – sizes 25g to 18g
Syringes – 1 mL to 3 mL
1” porous veterinary medical tape
IV catheters -18 to 22 gauge
Kwik stop
Jelonet Paraffin Gauze Dressing for burns
Distemper Kit
Clippers – corded or cordless
Clipper blades #10 (2 -3 blades)
Injectable acepromazine
Injectable amoxicillin
Injectable Meloxicam or Ketoprofen
Amoxicilin , Baytril/Enrofloxacine
Pyrantel/Stongid or other deworming medications
Antibiotic ointments for animals/humans
Antibiotic eye-drops for animals
Vitamin boost creams/supplements
Medicated Shampoos for mange, fungal infection, bacterial infections
Holistic supplements (mushrooms, herbs, MSM, herbs for epilepsy)
Leashes –
Collars –
Nail clippers
that focus on Animals in Spanish such as: coloring books, crayons, pens, pencils, animal books
You can make a general donation or request that your donation be used specifically in one of the above categories or for a particular dog in need. Please mark in your memo where you would like your donation applied.
Thank you for opening your hearts to street animals and for supporting the much needed work we do in the Amazon Region of Peru. Your donation is making an undeniable difference in alleviating suffering and inspiring change one dog, one cat at a time.