In March of 2017 we ran our usual 3 day street campaign at the Belen market. It was the last day of our campaign. We trapped a street dog- or so we thought - to give him anti-parasitic treatment. He was a feisty boy and both me and my team-mate Elvis got bit in the process. After treating Gene- as we named the dog- we released him. About 20 minutes later a young boy notified us that there wasa dog kicked in the river and is trying to frantically get out. We ran with Elvis Murayari and when we got to the lower part of Belen a kind samaritan already pulled the dog out of the water and placed him in front of us. It was Gene. Like a house of cards he collapsed in front of us. We rushed him to the clinic. Dr. Verónica Yauri attended to Gene with IV Fluids and vitamins. He was also suffering from severe hypothermia. Elvis and I spent three hours drying Gene and helping his temperature normalize. By sunset Gene was back to his old feisty self and ready to be released to where we found him -because we don't have a shelter. We bought him grilled chicken and said goodbye. His story is immortalized in our Amazon Alliance / Project Street Dog video pitch. Last September I went back to the market to find him with the intention to rescue him- he was nowhere. Last week, on October 13, 2018 we spotted him. He was a shadow of himself, overcome by TVT a transmittable venereal tumor common in dogs. This is the story of his rescue. Thank you Elvis Murayari for always being there, Esdras Silva Sayon for your help and Dr. Cindy Villaverde Pelaez for never saying no to any of our rescues.
If you would like to help Gene with his treatment please visit our donation page.
We also accept Vincristine -chemotherapy drug- to treat his tumor.
We are an all volunteer based nonprofit and all the donations go to the care of Gene. Pls mark "for Gene" on your contribution.
Thank you Favio Vela and Deniz Kadem for the footage.